
a good idea goes a long way

This was for an article about how good ideas travel from person to person - in the business world only the best ideas make it from the bottom to the top.
I've been working alot of different ways lately, its weird because although i feel like my style is pretty consistent it does seem to change alot from graphic to less graphic, realistic to more cartoony. I realize this may pose some problems for me, but im finding it impossible to draw one way. i dunno. maybe its not as big of a deal as i think. anyway, thanks for stopping by :)


Juan Carlos Solon said...

Nice Pete!!!!!!

Bryce Huffman said...

hmmm, I'll give it a 9/10 on clever, but a 2/10 on sexy...

Nimit Malavia said...


Yuta Onoda said...

That's sooo goodddd!!!
Great work Pete!

pete ryan said...

thanxxxxxx guyzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

i think your work definitely has a consistent style. i also think that drawing and picture making differently from time to time is:

A) healthy - keeps you interested in what your doing and your work doesn't get stagnant.

B) valuable - gives clients a variety of styles to choose from - but styles that aren't way different.

a client is going to know what they can expect from you because your portfolio is tight knit enough WITH that variety.

keep up the awesome work man, i'm constantly envious of you and your work!

pete ryan said...

thanks Dave, I really appreciate your input!!

mark smith said...

I do exactly the same thing myself Pete. I can't seem to tie myself down to one definite way of working. I like to think that it all sits within one style though and doesn't offer art directors too many problems (I hope this is the case anyway). I also think the slight variation can be quite a handy tool when answering the conceptual side of a brief.

Love the new stuff Pete, excellence as always.

Carlie Russelle said...

theres something fishy going on...and i liiiiike it

Artemesia said...

I like the idea of the strongest ideas making it to the top. If you continue the metaphor, they are going there to spawn and hatch new ideas which grow and move back down the stream and repeat the cycle again. Great idea.

Alex Diaz said...

Pete, I like this one. It is very dynamic anI find it visually attractive too!