
Zero tolerance

Heres a piece I did, what seems like a VERY long time ago now, for Reader's Digest - The article was about how zero tolerance / over-reaction is making good kids seem like criminals.
because of the backlog of piece to post its kinda fun to look back now at it. I liked the final they picked, but was really hoping for the school house / jail one. oh well. i had originally painted a full final, but upon completion, didn't feel like the piece had any life, so re-approached and was much happier the second time around. Sometimes my work can get a bit messy, so due to the size that its printed i tried to keep it nice and clean. lots of ideas for this one.
( like the school zone sign, but the kid being led away in handcuffs)


Daniel Hertzberg said...

Bit of a complicated article to illustrate, but it's a great idea and it reads rather beautifully!

mark smith said...

This is brilliant Pete, really like it!

Saya said...

Nice job

pete ryan said...

Thanks you guys!!
Really appreciate it!

brezinka said...

Very smart stuff. I'm inspired every time I stop by Pete.

Sean said...

whoa every single idea is really smart, I could never come up with those concepts. Great work!!

pete ryan said...

thanks guys!