Heres two more pieces - a spot and a larger one -
First for Registered Nurses Journal - this article was about nurses helping and guiding people in difficult times, like death. nurses are always there offering hope and support. the article refers to nurses as "bridges" a lot - so that was the direction we ended up going.
couple of roughs - i really liked this tissue idea -
Second for Education Forum, about one particular school thats "lifting the veil" so to speak on why their students were not performing. through a number of infinitives teachers and volunteers were able to turn it around so that all students were doing well and actively participating. i wanted to show a blind being lifted on a classroom door - but the blind actually doubled as the window into what we see in the classroom. the part being rolled away shows students that dont care - are not engaged. the window beneath shows happy attentive students. took a lot of drawing for me to feel like it looks like the blind is going up, rather than down.
there was something i really liked about leaving the hand unfinished -
some roughs, there were lots of others:
Both projects were Art Directed by the fantastic people at Fresh Art & Design - really great group there!!
Fantastic pieces Pete!!
Thanks Yuta!
Twice in one day! I'm feeling that potency from here! Great work Pete.
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