
snow more mr. nice guy

New piece for for the super awesome Lesley Palmer, and AARP about time banking and time bank participation. if you're not familiar with the term, time banking is a community initiative where individuals "log" hours by performing tasks for others, and by doing so, build up hours they can use to receive help from others. example, i shovel your driveway, you unclog my sink. get it? my idea was pretty straight up, to show someone performing a task, and link that up with the concept of time keeping. couple of ideas - there were lots more...


Álvaro Laura said...

Beautiful idea and very well solved. It works by itself, even without the text. Congrats! You allways make the grade!

pete ryan said...


John W. Tomac said...


Such a smart solution

brezinka said...

A beaut!

pete ryan said...

thanks you two!!