
Ace Venture(a)

I did a bunch of pieces for a special booklet that comes with this Octobers Alberta Venture Mag - with my ol' pal, AD Lindsay. We really have a blast working together and keep getting better pieces every time we collaborate. Here are a few of the standout pieces, but there were lots of cool spots etc that maybe i'll share more of at some point.
 This piece was about customer service problems ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 This piece was about targeted verbal promotion ^^^^^^^^^^^^

This was about fun in the workplace / happy workers

This one was about innovating in a crisis.
Lots more to post this month!


whats up, Doc?

 new piece for Barrons and the great John Tomac - John approached me with this idea and the article, which is about the very rich having to pay more tax due to changes in healthcare reform. some of them could take a bit of a hit! I wanted to come up with some ideas that simplified the article - maybe show tax related to healthcare increase - and bonus to find a way to show a rich guy. Had a lot of fun concepting - but in the end, we went with Johns first suggestion. Im always intimidated when drawing a "scene" - its not where i shine - but I had a lot of fun doing this one, and was happy with the outcome. Thanks John!


Speak, Look, Listen

This piece served as a full page, and cover (with a bit of extra room at the top, not included here) for OPC Register - about the different generations different approach to eduction.  Boomers like to lead - so showing a boomer speaking seemed appropriate. Gen Xers look forward, so a telescope made sense. Finally Gen Yers are happy to listen and learn - so an ear to a cup worked. The part that i was psyched about, and couldnt believe - is that all of these different roles could be shown by dissecting a pencil! What a perfect way to tie it back to education. Lucky break.


I put my hand up on your hip - when i drip you drip we drip.

 New one for the Boston Globe Magazine about the critical role water is playing in Israeli peace. If water sharing solutions can be found - maybe it could usher in a new era of Peace - if not - maybe the last hope for peace falls away. Lots of my roughs focused on the military and fighting - as they were talked about a fair bit in the article. Thanks Ryan!



New piece for Government Executive about breaking through the text limit barriers and having the freedom of unlimited texts! thought it would be fun to make the text bubble a battering ram and people breaking out. Because the article specifically is about military employees enjoying this freedom a lot of my roughs went that direction, but they didnt want that to be the focus. Really fun client to work with - and awesome to see John Tomac and Dan Hertzberg in the same issue. those guys had amazing pieces.


Let there be light

 I think i've used that title a bunch of times. Oh well. New piece for HR mag, about amplifying your leadership skills. worked really hard to put a new twist on an old metaphor. Lots of work that needs to be posted, once again i've taken on too much and find myself strapped for time. anyway, this post is a start.