Wanted to squeeze one more post in before the end of the month - so i'm doing a little combiningfirst piece was work Moneywise UK - it was a sequel to a piece i did for them this time last year - a follow up. The original piece depicted a man dipping his toe into an investment pool - testing the water, or whatever. this one they wanted to show the same guy leisurely floating in the water, clearly having had a good year. I liked the idea of following up the image - but i thought i'd pitch a few new directions for the piece - just in case: i really liked the idea of having the water floaty things be like an abacusThis second piece was for Investment Advisor - heres the explanation i sent with the rough: I liked how the article mentioned segmenting and focusing on specific areas for best results. - man (firm) juggling numerous balls which also double as centers of a target - the balls are different colors to represent different areas - there were a few different places in the article i could have taken it, and the roughs reflect that. I like the line-work in the final, and hope to keep that or more in the pieces im working on right now. Thanks for reading
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