
Hot diggity dog

About a year ago I was asked if i would be into illustrating a cover for the Chicago Reader about people who ate squirrels. Obviously I said yes. roughs were approved, a final was painted, then the whole thing was shelved for legal reasons.
 Darkness crept into middle earth, and some things that should not be forgotten, were lost. Then just last week i got an email from Paul, the AD telling me they finally had a green light - the cover was going to print! However, they needed a change - could i take out the acorn the squirrel is holding, and replace it with a big, fat, Chicago style hotdog. Why a hotdog you ask? does it really matter?? ...why the hell not, I say! Carpe Diem, amiright?! So, it set to painting a hotdog and photoshopping it in. a little color tweek, and this bad boy was ready for the presses. Unquestionably, the silliest image i've ever made.

 - See below for some of the original roughs:

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